KAATSU Beauty After 50
Most approaches to enjoying great skin are well-known: good sun protection combined with good nutrition and good overall health.
KAATSU Beauty adds another level of skin security.
KAATSU Beauty enables increased vascular elasticity – especially in the tiny capillaries of the skin.
KAATSU Beauty – Nighttime Protocol #1
- Be well-hydrated.
- Do 4-6 KAATSU Cycles one hour before going to bed.
- Repeatedly pronounce vowels (“a – e – i – o – u“) out loud while doing 2-3 KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Air Bands on the arms.
- Slowly rotate the head left and right, forwards and backwards, and clockwise and counterclockwise while doing 1-2 KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Air Bands on the arms.
- Gently stretch the upper body while doing 1-2 KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Air Bands on the arms.
KAATSU Beauty – Nighttime Protocol #2
- Be well-hydrated.
- Do 3-6 KAATSU Cycles one hour before going to bed.
- Slowly and steadily stretch the legs and core (abdominal and lower back) while doing KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Air Bands on the legs.
The more KAATSU, the better. That is, doing KAATSU sessions daily or twice daily produces better and more dramatic results than only doing KAATSU 2-3 times per week.
Data from research at the University of Tokyo Medical School Hospital’s 22nd Century Medical Center from the Ischemic Circulation Physiology Department found that KAATSU leads to the secretion of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF). VEGF is known to enhance blood vessel neogenesis. The research found that various resistance exercises with KAATSU Air Bands lead to the secretion and activation of VEGF.
The research also confirmed that KAATSU increases vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) using a strain gauge plethysmograph (EC 6 manufactured by Hokanson) that measured vascular endothelium.
The plethysmograph can conduct non-invasive evaluation of the elasticity of blood vessels and the endothelial function. Early detection of lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., arteriosclerosis) and the treatment evaluation of vascular endothelial function result by measuring parameters including arterial influx, venous volume, and venous outflow.
Using the vascular endothelium test measurement instrument, the researchers found that the more KAATSU is properly and safely performed following the standard KAATSU protocols, the more elastic your blood vessels can become. That is, the more often KAATSU was performed, the greater endothelium elasticity was achieved.
Actual KAATSU Beauty users shown above are at least 50 years old.