KAATSU Skin Care For Cuts, Scars And Surgeries

KAATSU Skin Care For Cuts, Scars And Surgeries

For who? Mothers
For what? KAATSU Beauty, skin care

Some surgeries are minimally invasive and others are much more so.

KAATSU the original BFR can significantly help the skin and underlying tissue quickly repair and recover – so much so that experienced surgeons who know their patients who do post-surgery KAATSU will have to get their stitches removed more quickly than those patients who do not do KAATSU. “What happens is the skin recovers and grows back more quickly,” explains Steven Munatones.

If the stitches are left in the body for the ‘normal’ amount of time, the skin will grow over the stitches and the surgeon will have to go back in and remove the overgrown sutures. This can cause infection that is best avoided.”

Repeated KAATSU Cycles has repeatedly shown to enhance the body’s natural healing process, especially when the skin is cut, torn, broken or inked.

These five periodically taken photographs show the rapid recovery of the sutures and skin on a 49-year-old patient who had total knee replacement surgery at a Veterans Administration hospital in Florida.

The patient repeated KAATSU Cycles (8 cycles of 30 seconds of pressure on followed by 5 seconds of pressure off in the Group Low, Group Medium, Group High, Pro Low, Pro Medium, and Pro High modes, done sequentially) on his KAATSU Cycle 2.0.

He did his series of KAATSU Cycles in the morning and again in the evenings as he comprehensively integrated KAATSU to his regularly scheduled physical therapy.

One thing that we have seen time and time again is how quickly the skin and wound heals when repeated KAATSU Cycles are performed over two or three sessions per day while the patient is recovering at home or in the hospital,”

says Munatones.

The skin around the wound heals so quickly with the repeated KAATSU Cycles. The skin grows over the sutures – much faster than what is normally expected by physicians – as a result.

This can cause an unanticipated post-surgical issue when the skin grows over the sutures. When physicians schedule the normal removal of the sutures (e.g., 5-7 days), patients performing regular KAATSU Cycles on a daily basis often experience much faster than normal healing of their wounds and incisions. So, these patients should inform their attending physicians of this KAATSU phenomenon.”