KAATSU Specialist Series: Arms Or Legs First?
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, competitive athletes, KAATSU Specialists
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
While doing KAATSU for your upper body and core and lower body is important, many users prefer to use KAATSU Air Bands only on their arms or only on their legs.
“In general, we find that many men – not all, but enough – like to do KAATSU only on their arms and completely skip doing KAATSU on their legs,”
says KAATSU Master Specialist Steven Munatones.
“Conversely, we find that many women – not all, but enough – like to do KAATSU only on their legs and don’t do KAATSU on their arms. Since the benefits of KAATSU are systemic, there are still well-defined physiological benefits of doing KAATSU only on your arms or legs, but there are also clear advantages to doing KAATSU that focus on your arms, core and legs.
But we often receive questions if it is important to do KAATSU in a specific sequence. The standard KAATSU protocols, long ago tested, researched and proven by KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato and at the University of Tokyo Hospital, is to first do KAATSU on your arms, and then your legs.”
The reasons for this specific order (i.e., first arms and then legs) are as follows:
- 1. Like any form of exercise, it is very important and most beneficial to warm-up and gradually get the body physiologically ready for effective exercise or rehabilitation.
This is best done first with the arms because the number and cumulative length of the veins and capillaries is less in the arms compared to the legs. We want to prepare – or warm-up – the arms first. - The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 and KAATSU Master 2.0 were designed to enable users to warm-up gradually. In the KAATSU Cycle 2.0, users can start off with the GROUP LOW level, and then subsequently progress to the GROUP MEDIUM, GROUP HIGH, PRO LOW, PRO MEDIUM and PRO HIGH levels. Later, they can then customize their KAATSU Training mode up to 400 SKU. In the KAATSU Master 2.0, users can start off with Level 1, and then subsequently progress to Levels 2, 3, 4, and 5. Later, they can then customize their KAATSU Cycle or KAATSU Training mode up to 500 SKU.
- Some people, if they first start with their legs and put their bands on too tightly and use them for too long (i.e., not abiding by standard KAATSU protocol), may get lightheaded because there is so much blood engorged in their legs and less blood in their head. But if they start off the KAATSU Cycle mode gently and gradually on their arms, and then do the KAATSU Cycle mode on their legs, then they give their bodies time to adjust and this potential issue is eliminated.
Of course, there are cases where either users may not be able (due to a disability or arm cast) to first do KAATSU on their arms – or there are cases where users only do KAATSU on their legs (for personal reasons). But if they start the KAATSU Cycle gradually on their legs (i.e., starting at low levels of pressure), then their bodies naturally acclimate to the pressure and their own preferred KAATSU regimen.
“Dr. Sato always works on his core after he does his legs,”
explained Steven Munatones.
“This can be easily done if you do balance exercises as your core work. Your KAATSU Air Bands are already on your legs and you can transition easily from lower body work to core work by balancing on one leg until you lose your balance or too much fatigue sets in. Or you can do traditional core exercises like planks or sit-ups or something easier like walking slowly and with good posture and a book on your head.”