kaatsu- In the news
Volume: 03
Issue: 07
Year: 2021
What’s inside
- CNN: Why KAATSU, A Fitness Trend Spotted At The Games, Isn’t Just For Olympians
- NEW York Times: A Hot Fitness Trend Among Olympians: Blood Flow Restriction
- Inverse: The Scientific Reason Why Olympians Are Embracing This New Fitness Trend
- Wall Street Journal: Could The KAATSU Workout Be The Most Efficient Exercise?
- Wall Street Journal: Can You Work Out Less, Get More Results?
- ESPN: Inside Cespedes’ Workout Routine
- Everyday Health: Olympic Athletes Are Into Blood Flow Restriction Training – Does It Work
- Insider: Olympians Are Wrapping Their Arms And Legs In Blood Flow-Restricting Bands To Build Muscle Mass And Avoid Injury
- Outside Magazine: You Should Probably Try This Japanese Blood- Flow Routine
- Military Times: KAATSU Training Is Blowing Fitness Researchers’ Minds
- How Stuff Works: Why Athletes Love Blood Flow Restriction Training
- Physical Culture Study: The History Of KAATSU Training
- Orange County Register: Kept From The Water And Each Other, Los AI High Team Still Stays Competitive
- Orange County Register: Exercise Company Finds Its Flow
- Men’s Health: Why Celebs And Athletes Are Embracing Blood Flow Restriction Training
- Yahoo Sports: Mets’ Noah Syndergaard Talks New Wellness Routine As He Nears Return
- Times Of San Diego: Willie Banks At Home: Two-Time Olympian Leaping Into Leukemia Society Work
- Considerable: This Easy Workout Might Be The Key To Maintaining Muscles As You Age
- Stuff: Blood-Flow Restriction Training Not Something For The Faint-Of-Heart
- Irish Times: Blood Flow Restriction Emerges As The Hot New Fitness Trend Among Olympians
- GQ Mexico: Los Atletas olímpicos y su truco japonés para tener mas resultados al entrenar
- New York Times, Spanish: Una Tendencia De Fitnes’ En Boga Entre Los Olímpicos: La Restricción Del Flujo Sanguíneo
- CNN Brazil: Entenda Por Que Alguns Atletas Restringem Fluxo Sanguíneo Para Treinar Melhor