KAATSU Aqua Strength & Speed Drills

There all kinds of various applications of KAATSU. KAATSU Aqua Bosu Ball Kicking with KAATSU Specialist Shotaro Shimazaki at McGaugh Pool in Seal Beach, California doing KAATSU Aqua Bosu Ball sprint kicking (both freestyle and breaststroke) with KAATSU Aqua Bands on legs (with 25 Base SKU + 200 Optimal SKU pressures).

KAATSU Aqua Sit-ups: start horizontal in the water while grabbing onto a Bosu Ball; then climb on top of the Bosu Ball. Do 3 sets to failure.

KAATSU Aqua Triceps Extension with a Water Polo Ball: hold inflated water polo ball with both hands and push ball underwater in 3 sets (doing a number of repetitions sufficient to cause muscular failure) with 20-30 seconds between each set.

KAATSU Aqua Inflated Ball Hold: hold water polo ball underwater with a straight arm while kicking and moving forward.

KAATSU Aqua Double Hand Inflated Ball Hold: hold inflated water polo ball vertically underwater with both hands while kicking forward.

KAATSU Aqua Stationary Core Lifts: move water polo ball left, right, backwards and forwards in 3 sets until failure while attempting to stay stationary and afloat on the surface of the water.

KAATSU Master Specialist David Tawil and Shimazaki move ball underwater with a straight arm (KAATSU Aqua Inflated Ball Vertical Hold), then alternate with KAATSU Aqua Sit-ups.

KAATSU Aqua Recovery Breaststroke: easy pace breaststroke with KAATSU Aqua Bands on.

KAATSU Aqua Sprint Breaststroke Kicking (against wall): do 30 fast breaststroke kicks (first set of 3 with 20-30 seconds rest between sets).

KAATSU Aqua Running Forwards + Backwards: do short runs in shallow water, both forwards and backwards (first set of 3 shown with 20-30 seconds rest between sets).

KAATSU Aqua In-Water Jumps (forwards + backwards in shallow water): do in-water jumps, both forwards and backwards, in shallow water.

KAATSU Aqua In-Water Jumps (forwards + backwards in deeper water): do in-water jumps, both forwards and backwards, in deeper water.

KAATSU Leg Lifts: place back against the wall of the pool and extend arms along the pool’s edge. Lift legs slowly and steadily in a variety of movements.

KAATSU Aqua Burpees: 1st lap is butterfly + pull-ups off the diving board performed to muscular failure; 2nd lap is freestyle; 3rd lap is butterfly + push-ups on deck performed to muscular failure; 4th lap is freestyle

Boston-based swimming coach Chris Morgan explains KAATSU Aqua in an interview with Brent Rutemiller of Swimming World Magazine at the 2017 American Swimming Coaches Association World Clinic in Washington D.C.

KAATSU Aqua Sprinting + Pull-ups + Pull-outs + Push-ups

KAATSU Aqua Core: bring legs up and down against the water’s resistance.

KAATSU Aqua Eggbeater while holding a weight.

KAATSU Aqua Kicking: use a kickboard or fins, do vertical kicking to stress the legs and core.

KAATSU Aqua Parachuting.

KAATSU Aqua Stationary Sculling: with or without hand paddles.

KAATSU Aqua Sculling: with or without hand paddles.