KAATSU At Home Workouts – Literally

For who? Work-at-home employees, student-athletes, competitive athletes
For what? Functional movement, strength, flexibility, mobility, KAATSU At Home, recovery

Cory Keirn DPT discusses KAATSU and its impact on the future of exercise with the KAATSU Cycle 2.0 above.

In times of stress and self-isolation in quarantines and under shelter-in-place ordinances, KAATSU can be thoroughly and effectively integrated into your home life – so you can stay fit and maintain your healthy weight.

You can do the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on your arms and legs – see above.

But you can also use KAATSU for exercise or rehabilitation while…

  • typing an email in your office
  • waiting for an airplane or the train
  • sitting in the passenger seat on a long drive
  • washing the dishes
  • washing the windows or your car
  • folding clothes
  • watching TV
  • doing homework or reading a book
  • walking your dog
  • stretching
  • vacuuming the carpet
  • packing and unpacking your bags
  • tidying up your room

Once you understand that exercise and rehabilitation can be done anywhere anytime, your efficiency and effectiveness in getting things done goes way up. And exercise is transformed to simple movement – that you constantly do during the course of your day – with KAATSU equipment.

Retired Navy SEAL captain John Doolittle will lead 2 KAATSU At Home workouts on Friday, April 10th.

The first workout is geared for aging Baby Boomers (i.e., those over 50 years old). This Zoom meeting will be at 10 am California time / 1 pm New York time / 6 pm GMT.

The second workout is geared for younger competitive athletes. This Zoom meeting will be at 3 pm California time / 6 pm New York time / 11 pm GMT.

​​• Mondays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Strength
​​• Tuesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Speed
​​• Wednesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Stamina
​​• Thursdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Flexibility
​​• Friday: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Core Strength & Balance

KAATSU At Home Workout #5 – Focus on Core Strength & Balance

​​​​• Stretch and drink an entire water bottle before the workout begins.
​​• Put on KAATSU Arm Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your arms and the bands, but not two fingers between your arms and the bands (this would be too loose).
* Grab big beach towels and a bedsheet or heavy blanket

​Exercise #1:
​​​​• 3 sets of Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions
Set 1: 20 slow Hand Clenches + 10 very fast Hand Clenches. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: 20 slow Biceps Curls + 10 very fast Biceps Curls. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: 20 slow Triceps Extensions + 10 very fast Triceps Extensions. Rest 20 seconds.​​

Exercise #2:
​​​• Folding towels
Set 1: Fold and refold a towel for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Very quickly fold and refold a towel for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Very quickly fold and refold a towel for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #3:
​​​• Rolling towels
Set 1: Lay a towel down flat on a table or bed. Roll and unroll the towel using your forearms for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Very quickly roll and unroll the towel using your forearms for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Very quickly fold and refold a towel for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #4:
​​​​• Making a bed
Set 1: Fold and refold a bedsheet or heavy blanket for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Very quickly fold and refold the bedsheet or heavy blanket for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Grab the end of the the bedsheet or heavy blanket and shake it out for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

​Exercise #5:
​​• ​​​Wax on, wax off
Set 1: Take a small towel and lay it on a table. Move it around in the clockwise direction with one hand in little circles for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Move the towel around in the clockwise direction with one hand in big circles for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Quickly move the towel around in the clockwise direction with one hand in either little or big circles for 20 seconds (your choice). Rest 20 seconds.
Set 4: Move the towel around in the counterclockwise direction with the other hand in little circles for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Move the towel around in the counterclockwise direction with the other hand in big circles for 60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Quickly move the towel around in the counterclockwise direction with the other hand in either little or big circles for 20 seconds (your choice). Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #6:
​​• Take off KAATSU Arm Bands and hydrate during 3-minute rest.
​​• Then, put on KAATSU Leg Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your legs and the bands, but not two fingers between your legs and the bands (this would be too loose).

Exercise #7:
​​• ​​​Balancing
Set 1: Put the towel on your head and balance on one leg for 30-60 seconds. If this is too easy, grab 2 full water bottles in both hands and move your hands around to purposefully create instability in your core. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Repeat. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Put the towel on your head and balance on the other leg for 30-60 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 4: Repeat. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #8:
​​• ​​​KAATSU Walking
Set 1: Put a small book on your head and walk around the room for 30-60 seconds. If this is too easy, do leg lunges with the book on your head. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Repeat two times. Rest 20 seconds between each set.

Exercise #9:
​​• Jumping Jacks
Set 1: Put the towel on the floor. Quickly jump over it 20 times forwards and backwards. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Put the towel on the floor. Quickly jump over it 20 times left and right. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #10:
​​• Stretching
Set 1: Stand up straight and try to touch your toes for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat 3 times.
Set 2: Sit on floor with your legs in front of you. Try to touch your toes for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat 3 times.
Set 3: Sit on floor with your legs apart. Try to touch your toes for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat 3 times.

Join the Zoom platform here at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2827965029?pwd=S2dvWXNIZmg5WG5QeGFnemxXZDZDUT09 with Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833.