KAATSU At Home Workouts – Zooming In On Speed On April 7th

For who? Runners, competitive athletes
For what? Speed, strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, KAATSU At Home

Above are shown various KAATSU exercises performed by 5-time Olympic medalist Justin Gatlin who did a KAATSU arm and leg workout with KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in Tokyo.

Retired Navy SEAL captain John Doolittle will lead 2 speed-focused KAATSU At Home workouts on Tuesday, April 7th.

The first workout is geared for aging Baby Boomers (i.e., those over 50 years old). This Zoom meeting will be at 10 am California time / 1 pm New York time / 6 pm GMT.

The second workout is geared for younger competitive athletes. This Zoom meeting will be at 3 pm California time / 6 pm New York time / 11 pm GMT.

​​• Mondays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Strength
​​• Tuesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Speed
​​• Wednesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Stamina
​​• Thursdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Flexibility
​​• Friday: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts – Focus on Core Strength & Balance

KAATSU At Home Workout #2 – Focus on Speed

​​​​• Stretch and drink an entire water bottle before the workout begins.
​​• Put on KAATSU Arm Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your arms and the bands, but not two fingers between your arms and the bands (this would be too loose).

​Exercise #1:
​​​​• 3 sets of Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions
Set 1: 20 slow Hand Clenches + 10 very fast Hand Clenches. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: 20 slow Biceps Curls + 5 very fast Biceps Curls. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: 20 slow Triceps Extensions + 5 very fast Triceps Extensions. Rest 20 seconds.​​

Exercise #2:
​​​• 3 sets of Mountain Climbers
Set 1: Medium-pace Mountain Climbers for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace Mountain Climbers for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace Mountain Climbers for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.​​

Exercise #3:
​​​​• 3 sets of Push-ups
Set 1: Medium-pace push-ups for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace push-ups for 15 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace push-ups for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Note: do a second round, if possible

​Exercise #4:
​​• ​​​3 sets of Burpees
Set 1: Medium-pace burpees for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace burpees for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace burpees for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

Extra Exercise #5:
Stand in a shooting position. Shoot 5 times straight (without a ball). Shoot fast and hard. Rest and repeat 5 times.

Exercise #6:
Take off KAATSU Arm Bands and hydrate during 3-minute rest. Then, put on KAATSU Leg Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your legs and the bands, but not two fingers between your arms and the bands (this would be too loose).

Exercise #7:
​​• 3 sets of Heel Raises + Standing Leg Curls + Non-lock Quarter Squats
Set 1: Do Heel Raises for 20 seconds. Then hold Heel Raise for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Do Standing Leg Curls for 20 seconds. Then hold Standing Leg Curl for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Do Non-lock Quarter Squats for 20 seconds. Then hold Quarter Squat for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #8:
​​• 3 sets of Box Jumps. Put a small box in front of you. Jump over it, turn around, jump back to the starting position.
Set 1: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #9:
​​• 3 sets of Burpees
Set 1: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 5 fast, high Burpees. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast, high Burpees. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 1 fast, high Burpee. Rest 20 seconds.

Exercise #10:
​​• 3 sets of Jumping Rope (with or without the rope)
Set 1: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 5 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.

Extra Exercise #11:
​​• Go outside and run 5 x 20 meter sprints. ​​​Run 20 meters all-out. Walk 50 meters and repeat 4 more times.

Extra Exercise #12:
​​• Go outside and walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Join the Zoom platform here at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2827965029?pwd=S2dvWXNIZmg5WG5QeGFnemxXZDZDUT09 with Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833.